13 January 2007

check yourself

check-in, originally uploaded by McBeth.

When her mind got to be too firey hot, she'd gently set it down and rest it a while.


Anonymous said...

oh, look how beautiful.

i've always kind of wished i'd gotten your face.

i love to see you honor it.

mcbeth said...

isn't that just the funkydelic nature of siblings... because I always thought you had the lips and eyes that would've been so much better than mine. Well, and D. had what was supposed to be MY voice, K. had the hands I wanted to have, Q. had the gift of social graces.

(good thing I'm wayyyy past those old childhood issues, eh? haha)

BTW, I just came across a photo of you from the day after Dad's wedding that I think is just lovely. I'll call you shortly! xo

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