Meme-snagger that I am, I found this one at
Jen Gray's site. She didn't tag me (she doesn't know me so um why would she?) but I suspect that as much as she's into sharing the love, she won't mind my little swipearoonie just this once.
I thought that instead of blahblahtypingblah I might write instead. You know, that old fashioned thing that only squares do? Yeah, that. But uh, when I did what I thought was a superbrilliant scan of the two sheets of paper it took and then I reimaged them into one final image uh, well, the final product ended up on the hard-to-read side. Apologies.
The smartest thing to do at this point is to laugh - the best laughing is that version in which a raucous cackle reverberates in one's throat and one pointed finger extends in the general direction of one's monitor, but that might just be me. If you want to read it, go ahead and click your sweet little mousie on the image, which should in turn explode it into a readable version.
If that doesn't work then go get some compressed air and some computer cleaning wipes. Take a look at your keyboard and hey, whaddabout that mouseball ... they could use a wipedown, eh? Eh.
Four bloggers I'm tagging: eew. I don't like this part (do I
*really* have to do this?) but for friendliness practice I'll try. How about
Incurable Hippie and
The elder Eric, on behalf of Little O. Divergent paths and all that.
Oh, wait. Just for one last dose of interesting and for the sake of erring on the side of good juju I think I'll throw in an extra tag ...
Jaanquidam, yerrrrrrit!