14 March 2007

very nearly answering the call of the flippists

building up to the eyelid flip, originally uploaded by McBeth.

You. Yes, YOU.

Let's clear the air right this very moment, shall we?

If you're one of the persons who has been looking for more (more? how about any) eyelid flipping pictures, you're going to have to be patient with me. You see, lid-flipping is not something one should just launch INTO, no! Instead one must build UP to it!

Ahh! A-ha! Yes.

I tried, I really tried, but I couldn't get into the boogedyboogedy-feeling groove that is necessary for an A+ form eyelid flip.

The outtake shots, which shall never be viewed by anyone -ever- but me, are a little bit freaky ('oh dear, does it really look like that? In real life?!') and a laugh riot.

I am not daunted, never fear.
I shall one day prevail ... I SHALL flip my lids!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep trying! If you ever get it, put a picture up at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eyelidsflipped/

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