22 March 2006


The tragedy was in my eyes
en route from left to right
the usual routine
tracking, placing surroundings

The tragedy was in her posture
proud, hopeful
bloomed tall, despite youth’s best attempts
to keep her forever innocent

The tragedy was in three middle-aged men
On a business casual Friday, Tag Heurers gleamed
in the metallic saffron sunset reflection,
offhandedly discussing the weekend’s plans
paused mid-discussion

The tragedy was in a pitch
A horn splat of B-flat, C, F-sharp
Sustained into echoed crescendo
Curled like tendriled vines into my ears

The tragedy was in a new book
crisp unbroken spine
Arched unnaturally above a slender upraised arm
Shredded pages hovered momentarily,
hundreds of small earthquakes
poised to thunder their doom

The tragedy was in our gasps


The tragedy was that
We each breathed our final goodbyes
without having seen a tragedy coming


Anonymous said...

Please tell me that this was for a creative writing class. It's so painful and touching that I hope this didn't actually happen. P

mcbeth said...

I'm not enrolled in classes this semester, P, but I do enjoy a liberal tromp through fictional poetry writing now and again.

This is the first draft, which I don't usually hang out there. I prefer to write/rewrite/rewrite about 6 or 8 (or more) times before even thinking about posting the stuff, but I figured oh what the heck this time.

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