22 February 2006

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs.

use the bucket by McBeth.

When a house has stood empty for two years despite the fact that it has simultaneously been on the market? That's probably a sign.

When the realtor suggests that we should bring flashlights along with us because there is no electricity? That's probably a sign.

When the realtor also suggests that we dress warmly because there'll be no heat, including on the inside of the house? That's probably a sign.

When the previous homeowner leaves a lavender colored bra hanging from the back of one of the bathroom doors as if to say either 'I'll be back for this' or 'Someone is coming, I'm outta here!' - yes, that too is probably a sign.

When you inadvertently discover two year old fossilized dog poo stuck to the house's basement floor in a section that can only be described as "probably the dog pen" when your partner waves the flashlight around? Not only does that probably explain some of the funky smell in the air, but it is also probably a sign.

When the realtor leaves a note on the kitchen counter detailing NO USE of the toilets, that's definitely a sign.

This isn't the one.
Keep looking.
You'll find The One*.

*and you won't have to pee in a bucket when you find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Keep looking, sweetie, you'll find it.

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