28 September 2004

The Giving In To of Peer Pressure

The only stupid question is the one that isn't asked.

The most frightening time for anyone is the first- .

Yeah, okay, I get it. Try it. DO something. I'm there. It wasn't without a good stubborn fight, but I'm there. And there is here so here we are and there ya go.

Day One.
The bread is baking downstairs, sending up wafts of mouth-watering memory-jarring goodness. It will be a good olive oil and basil loaf if all works the intended way, if I measured it correctly. And, I suppose, if that veiled threat on the yeast jar was serious or just having a go at me when it demanded that I 'use this within four months or you can kiss your happy dreams of great homemade bread goodbye'.

Please, little loaf of liquids mixed hastily ... pastily ... make of yourself something good.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Look at you, baking and blogging simultaneously. O, I'm like a proud auntie here, plotzing a bissel.

(Incidentally, I've kept dried yeast in the fridge for a year and have had okay results. Your yeast company is probably hedging their bets, which is entirely their prerogative, I'm sure.)

So, how *did* the bread turn out?


mcbeth said...

You did WHAT to you vacuum?

The bread turned out supergreat. J morpheled something that sounded like 'good stuff' on a trip into the kitchen for serving #2 (rare for something I create to get not one but two contented swipes at).

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