03 January 2006

Her brain broke breathtakingly on a queer quiz rampage

What Type of Lesbian Are You? (Inspired by Curve Mag.)created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke. You are the lesbian who can connect your vagina to nearly every object in the entire universe, creative and a little creepy you always astonish your friends.


The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke


The Femme Fatale


The Student Dyke


The Surprise! Dyke


The Sprightly Elfin Femme


The Quasi-Gothic Femme


The Stud


The Bohemian Dyke


The Pretty-Boi Dyke


The Granola Dyke


The Little-Boy Dyke


The Hipster Dyke


The Magic Earring Ken Dyke


*I rarely take issue with quizzes, especially these that are SO clearly for fun and um, entertainment. But come ON people, if you're going to quiz me on my lesbianism, at least give me a few questions that I can actually answer 'yes' to and not feel as though I've only managed to nubble together some sorta score as a feel-good consolation prize.

'The door to your dorm is plastered in gay pride paraphernalia.' HUNH? No. I answered that twice as absolutely not, and the second time I was clicking the 'NO YOU FUCKING MORON I SAID NO!' button, it was for the tie-breaker which then determined that - according to the responses I gave - I would be 60% likely to be a student dyke. Sigh.

'You own at least one black leather jacket.' Sure, why didn't I realize this sooner? After all, ones outerwear tells all sorts of squeamishly revealing information about a person, doesn't it?! Sigh.

'You secretly worship James Dean.' Go fuck yourselves. I keep my secrets SECRET and none of them, I assure you, NONE OF THEM involve James.

So I guess after all the other best and most real dyke characters are filtered down through, what we're left with at the bottom of the rusty strainer is me, the peculiar pfefferneus of properly pansified periveinous pussy.



Anonymous said...

So none of your fantasies are of James Dean, but what about ME?

mcbeth said...


Are you sure this is something you'd like me to discuss in a fairly public arena?

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