29 June 2005

There was a film crew in Madison today working on the upcoming movie The Last Kiss (due out 2006). Apparently the film is supposed to be set here in town but they're cutting corners in their budget by filming spots and scenes here for building/product placement type stuff then they're leaving us with a flourish for some place in Canada where it's cheaper to continue the rest of the filming.

Ha. I say all this crap as though I'm somehow in the know. Honestly, I had no idea any of this was going on ahead of time, but got to chatting with blanketmates when KD and I arrived at our spread and I learned all these fascinating details. Before the Concert on the Square even began I was itching to leave our space and meander away where there were fewer people per square foot. So I broke away from the growing crowd up on the capital square to find the film crew folks in front of the City County building (on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, for those familiar).

Who knows, this scene probably isn't supposed to be v. funny ... Rachel's character says "but..but...Michaelll. MICHAEL!" and she runs off camera.

I know nuffink about filming but after she did the "MICHAEL! MICHAEL!" screaming, and then did it like 8 times more, again and again and again, it sorta started to crack me up. Audibly. And I would have gone to look for Michael if she'd just asked me.

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